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By becoming an ATA Board member you'll support our Trial Vison and make a gift to the community for today and tomorrow. 


The ATA is a working-Board.  Directors attend monthly meetings: eight of those meetings are typically on Zoom and four we try to do in person.  Board members also take on and follow through on projects such as grant writing or kiosk maintenance, or to take on functions such as ongoing marketing and finance. 


We need help with: grant writing, recruiting, fund raising, marketing, social media, website, project management, public relations and more.   You can help as a Board member, or as a Volunteer, the former requiring ongoing Board-level commitment and the latter project-level commitment.  If trail-building and maintenance is your interest, please back out of this form and select the Volunteer form instead. 


If you are interested in further exploration of a Board position please fill out the form below.  Mark Hamlin, the Chairman of the ATA Board, will get back to you by email to schedule a get acquainted phone call.  Thank you for your interest. 

Contact Us - Board Interest

Position of Interest:

Thanks for submitting!

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