NOTICE: The BLM will have a temporary road closure during weekdays for the East Applegate Ridge Trail access road off Sterling Creek Road, January 13- Feb 28. Notice - the road WILL be open on weekend days during this time. For more information, see the BLM press release

We're glad you're here.
OUR MISSION: The Applegate Trails Association promotes, creates, and maintains the beautiful Applegate Ridge Trail and its connectors.
Our Vision: The Applegate Ridge Trails are treasured by our local communities and visitors.
TO START the Interactive-Map Click + in the upper left to zoom. Left click & drag to pan)
An Oregon Signature Trail: Take a look a the map to the left. You can zoom in and out and pan around. We are excited to share this new Trail Vision Map for a long-distance non-motorized trail, stretching from Grants Pass all the way to PCT near the California border. This 90 mile backbone of a trail is the main stem, and this trail needs a name by the way. Connecting trails into Jacksonville and Ashland, and the Sterling Mine Ditch Trail system are all part of the defined Oregon Signature Trail.
Trending along the ridges dividing the Applegate and Rogue watersheds, views along this northeastern spine of the Siskiyou Mountains are numerous and often spectacular. The Applegate Valley falls away to one side and the Rogue Valley to the other, in places 4,000 vertical feet. The Vision combines several trails some existing, some under construction, and some proposed. As part of the network, additional 3-5 mile loops, and other connectors are planned for day-hikers.
Two local trail organizations have worked on this vision for over a decade: 1) The Applegate Trails Association (ATA), and 2) the Siskiyou Uplands Trail Association (SUTA). The ATA works the geographic region between Jacksonville and Grants Pass, the Applegate Ridge Trail. While, SUTA works between Jacksonville and Ashland, the Jack-Ash Trail. The section from Ashland to the PCT already exists on USFS trails.
Zoom into the map (+/-) and pan (click and drag) to explore the details.
Walking the Wild Applegate
Blazing the 80-mile Trail From Ashland to Grants Pass, Oregon
This remarkable film follows the trailblazing effort, by conservationist and author Luke Ruediger, and prior ATA Board Member Josh Weber, as they hike and bushwack existing and new trail connections between Ashland and Grants Pass, Oregon. Watch awe-inspiring wilderness and natural habitat that is, amazingly, within a dozen miles of the most populated region in southern Oregon.
Josh and Luke discuss the biological, historical and cultural importance of the rare and exquisitely beautiful Klamath Siskiyou mountains surrounding the Rogue, Applegate and Illinois valleys.
Narrations by David Calahan, prior Chairman of the Applegate Trails Association, along with Luke Ruedigerand volunteer supporters. Produced by the Applegate Trails Association